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|Tutorial| Use of Binds

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|Tutorial| Use of Binds Empty |Tutorial| Use of Binds

Post  Ep!c C.Ldr. THE Player Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:26 am

Hello! Smile
I'm going to tell you in this tutorial, something about Binds in CS2D.
Binds can be usefull in most of matches.

1. What are Binds?

If u ever played Counterstrike 1.6, Conidition Zero or Source you maybe know this.
You simply "bind" a key on your keyboard to a row of commands.
As a Example: You can bind the key "x" to buy M4A1/AK47, Deagle and a HE grenade.
Binding Equipment is not the only option to bind, you can bind a message too:
the key is again "x" and if you press the message "" appears.

2. How to Bind?

First you go into your CS2D Folder.
In the Folder you'll see a Folder called "sys" open it.
Now you'll find a lot of cfg-datas, and some other Folders, but just open "autoexec.cfg".
Delete the content inside of this cfg.
Now what you have to write inside depends on what you want to bind.
Every Bind need the Parameter "bind" as first.

A Example of my Equipment Bind:

bind "x" "buy slot4 slot2; buy slot1 slot3; buyammo1; buyammo2; buyequip slot2; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot4"

With this bind, i buy after pressing "x" a AK47 or M4A1, a Deagle, primary and secundary ammo, Kevlar+Helm, HE and 2 Flashes Smile .

"slot4 slot2" means the numbers in the buymenu ingame, 4 is Assaultrifles than slot 2 -> ak47 and m4a1.
"slot1 slot3" slot 1 are handguns the 3th handgun -> deagle
"buyammo1"/"buyammo2" ok this should be easy to understand -> both ammo's Wink
"buyequip slot2" is the parameter for the equipment slots, this will buy a kevlar + helm because it is the number 2 in the equipment menu.

Here are some Equipment Binds you can easy copy them and paste into your "autoexec.cfg":

AK47/M4A1: bind "x" "buy slot4 slot2; buy slot1 slot3; buyammo1; buyammo2; buyequip slot2; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot4"

SG552/Aug: bind "F6" "buy slot4 slot3; buy slot1 slot3; buyammo1; buyammo2; buyequip slot2; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot4"

AWP: bind "l" "buy slot4 slot5; buy slot1 slot3; buyammo1; buyammo2; buyequip slot2; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot4"

M3: bind "y" "buy slot2 slot1; buy slot1 slot3; buyammo1; buyammo2; buyequip slot2; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot3; buyequip slot4"

Warning: Be sure you use every Bindkey only onetime! Or it work not correct!

The Second way how to use Binds is Messages:

bind "F6" "say Visit!"

"say" MUST be in the Parameter or it dont work!

It should work with Console commands too!
Same with commands of lua scripts
example; HC Script -> "!ID" ID whisper command.

Or if you to lazy to type "rank" you could do with bind:

bind "x" "say rank"

3. End
So this was my Bind Tutorial Smile .

I hope it help some people!

THE Player Very Happy affraid affraid

Ep!c C.Ldr. THE Player

Anzahl der Beiträge : 13
Anmeldedatum : 2011-02-16
Alter : 29

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